Not all online searches and transactions are performed on search engines. Directories and social media websites expand your reach and have some of the hottest leads on the web at an inexpensive cost. Whether free or paid, these marketplaces are worth spending your advertising budget on. Should You Submit to Online Directories ? Yes! You should submit your business information and website to relevant directories, and I’ve included a list below. This list is a great sources of leads, consumer reviews and referral traffic. Free or paid, it is important you control your business profile because you need to engage and advertise to consumers where they want to be. Once you claim your profile, update any information that is inaccurate , and be sure to provide details about your business that are a selling point and may draw a new customer in. Most importantly, claim ownership now so that you can respond to positive and negative reviews of your business in the future. How M...
Showing posts from January, 2020